Blogmas: Sometimes I wonder.

Do you ever stop and think about what life would be like if you took the left path instead of the right? Or what would happen if you put off doing that thing for one more day instead of doing it right now.

I'm in one of those situations and I don't quite know what to really do, the roads before me are both grey with fog and I can't see the end of them anywhere. I want to stay in Korea for another year, I really do. In fact I wanted to stay so badly I extended my contract. But staying with my school...? Should I, shouldn't I? Pros and cons, rights and wrongs.

What do you do? I have people on both sides and I feel conflicted when it comes to making the choice. After all the choice is ultimately out of my hands anyway, it's not up to me to do that admin work.

My head has been bouncing the two sides around all day like a coin in a tin can. It's just too much noise and you can't see the outcome at all anyway. Life is really up in the air and I feel a bit like I'm a kid standing there waiting for a magic trick.

I finished up physical therapy today but if the issues persist, I need to go again for another round of more intensive treatments. It's just a weird day all around to get into the swing of appointment after appointment to be told "Oh, it's over today! Congrats!" It doesn't feel like it should be over at all.

I know this isn't a great blogmas content, but honestly? It's reality for me right now. Things with friends, old friends, new temporary friends, jobs, contracts,'s all like Christmas lights that weren't sorted properly the year before.

I'm optimistic, I'm not stressing out. It's just a quiet kind of absorbed thought, the one that takes you a few days to work out. I'm hoping I can piece things together and get it all sorted.

See you tomorrow!


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