Blogmas: Cats cats cats

I think everyone should try and help where they can, with family and friends, with the environment, with situations in general. I mean obviously don't stick your nose in a place where it's gonna get chopped off, but do what you know you can do to make the world a better place.

One of my previous posts I mentioned how I just want to save every cat I see, I just keep going and going with what my fragile little heart wants and it kills me to know I can't do it. What I can do, however, is help them get through the summer and winter.

Over the summer, I would carry with me 1-2L of water in my purse on my way to school and fill up a bunch of different bowls I had set out in high cat populated areas. On my way out of school, I'd fill the bottles again with ice cold water and do it again. Every day for weeks, food and water in the morning, more water in the evening. Even when I had nothing to do that day, I'd still go out and fill them up. Even if it evaporated, maybe someone would get a drink before it was gone.

This winter is my first real one in Korea, and it's cold. I mean, really cold. The wind chill is well below -10 at night, it's brutal. I want to avoid stepping foot outdoors even when I'm in a down feather coat with a hat and gloves and a mask on. Knowing that the snow was coming made me realize I had to step up and quickly. I asked my students to help me make some little signs and they were eager to do it, I'm really grateful for them.

After a quick jaunt to the Daiso I was able to turn this pile of stuff....

Into this.

They're lined with insulated foam and filled with a microfiber cloth inside. I had to make do with what I could get my hands on. I'm going to raid the street corners for some supplies to make insulated feeding boxes tomorrow too.

That's where you guys come in. You can make them too! You know those Styrofoam containers people toss out, the ones that once held meats or ice cream? Snag 'em up and you can use those to make shelter. There's a lot of really good ways to make them, I also know that E-Mart partnered with a company that makes shelters out of recycled clothing and sells them. They're called Hood House.

Here's a good resource if you're interested in this super short activity that can help save lives over the winter.


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