Blogmas: Get in the spirit!

How do you get into the Holiday spirit? Do you decorate your shelves with fake snow, perhaps buy ugly sweaters? Bring out the tree and weigh it down with sparkly things of all kinds? Do you bake cookies, make a gingerbread house that you're almost positive your dentist would murder you for? Or are you more my speed, and blast Christmas music 24/7 starting in mid-November?

I really prefer older things. Older architecture, older whiskey, older fashion, older people, and older music. Not to say that new things can't be enjoyed too, but I always hold classics in my heart, something inherited from my grandpa. (casually blasts Ariana in the background of making this post) That being said, most of the Christmas songs I grew up listening to were by Burl Ives, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams and so on. Most of what I still listen to is comprised of those three.

If we're anything alike, which I hope we are, you'll enjoy my top picks for this Holiday Hype playlist. Be warned, it's almost two hours long. I could absolutely make it longer, but as it stands it's my top 40+ Christmas/Winter/Holiday songs!

It's a short post today, I know, I know, but to be fair...It took me like 20 minutes to make this playlist to cut me some slack, eh?

What are some of your favorite holiday songs to repeat until your neighbors hate you?
Let me know! Until next time~


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